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– Rural Educational and Cultural Association – a non-profit organization working to eradicate poverty and improve the quality of life of the population in settlements that are growing from rural to urban.

How are we different?

We believe that the realization of our main goal is possible only through an integrated approach to education and financial assistance for adults and children. By encouraging yesterday’s village population to study science, take care of the environment and solve social problems in their society, we increase the chances of rapid development not only of India, but also of ourselves and the entire population of the planet as a whole.


100 000 000

people do not consume potable water.


High level of illiteracy in villages

1 000 000


Our work

Computer learning
В современном мире каждому человеку необходимо уметь пользоваться компьютером для полноценной жизни.
Women empowerment
Even in the 21st century, the issue of women's rights in many countries is acute.
Caring for nature
A huge number of people in India do not understand the value of ecology.
Animal Rescue
Despite the fact that many animals in India are sacred, there are still a huge number of animals that face cruel treatment from the local population
For many Indian people, especially those living in villages or towns with low levels of economic development
Support small farmers
A large number of the rural Indian population is now experiencing problems with their agricultural productivity.
Computer learning
In the modern world, every person needs to be able to use a computer to live a full life.
Women empowerment
Even in the 21st century, the issue of women's rights in many countries is acute.
Caring for nature
A huge number of people in India do not understand the value of ecology.
Animal Rescue
Despite the fact that many animals in India are sacred, there are still a huge number of animals that face cruel treatment from the local population
For many Indian people, especially those living in villages or towns with low levels of economic development
Support small farmers
A large number of the rural Indian population is now experiencing problems with their agricultural productivity.


Elementor #2547

Rural Educational and Cultural Association (RECA)  Clean drinking water is life  Established October 1980  Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043   Our Objectives: – To provide equal opportunities
