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Elementor #2547

Rural Educational and Cultural Association (RECA)

 Clean drinking water is life

 Established October 1980

 Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043


Our Objectives: –

To provide equal opportunities for social, economic and cultural development to all through voluntary contributions in rural areas.

 2. To promote and disseminate the search for alternative resources for sustainable development by harmonizing social justice, economic prudence, self-reliance and eco-balance.

 3. To provide opportunities for self-employment by enhancing work efficiency.

 4. To organize and involve the villagers for all-round development through public awareness.

5. Promote programmes related to education, health, sanitation, employment / self-employment and re-employment in rural areas. Organization: – Rural Educational and Cultural Association (INDIA) RECA is established to organize the local poor class and make them participants in local development with a view to greater coordination, local innovations, construction work and trade at the local level, coordination of these three and local participation will be more beneficial. The aim of Reca is to bring maximum benefit to the poor by combining both traditional knowledge and modern science.

 Mission: –

 The mission of RECA is to promote rural skilling and economic, social and cultural development, especially of the poor, through voluntary co-operation. Local development programmes are to be ensured with the participation of the beneficiaries by making them aware of all the necessary facilities in their area free of cost or at minimum cost, such as “Bal Shiksha,” Women and Child Development, Health, Vocational Training. Community Programmes: – Since its inception, RECA has attracted the rural youth by sponsoring cultural programmes and sports competitions. Encouraged by cultural events such as drama, Ramlila, Krishna Janmashtami and Raksha Bandhan, he promoted sports and other daily entertainment activities. Gradually, their attention was drawn to local problems such as lack of drinking water, lack of toilet facilities. irregularities in electricity, roads, primary health care, etc. Under the leadership of its Chairman Mr. Uday Yadav, the organization put forward suggestions to the concerned departments in view of the local resources to solve these problems. Inspired by the awareness generated by the activities of its associates, the institution was formally registered in October 1980. Initially, only ten villages were adopted. These are Khaira, Khadkhari Nahar, Khadkhari Jatmal, Khadkhari Roundh, Pandwala Khurd, Hasanpur, Ghummanhera, Jhuljhuli and Rawat. Gradually, the institution also adopted 22 villages of Farukhnagar and Rewari development blocks in Gurgaon district of Haryana adjoining this area and carried out programmes related to women and child development and health there. Most of the families in these villages live below the poverty line. Only about 20% of the total population are agriculturists who own an average of five acres of agricultural land. The remaining 80% is the landless working class. In the field of education, though every village has a school, girls and children from poor families drop out at the primary / middle school level. If the facilities available in the health sector are inadequate, there is still a need for public awareness in the field of sanitation. After the socio-economic survey in all these villages, the Institute has prepared development programmes on a fast-track basis, of which the basic programmes have been completed and are still in progress.

 Activities: –

 1. Nursery and Primary Education – 200 children benefitted

2. Library and Reading Room  In 5 villages

 3. In Women and Child Development sector 11000 families benefitted through camps and primary health centres.

4. Adult-women education program was also adopted.

5. Provide employment / self-employment opportunities to women by training them in arts and crafts training / production centres.

6. So far, 500 women have been trained in cutting, sewing, embroidery and weaving.

 7. Sanitation – Under the programme, 300 accessible style toilets were constructed in villages.

8. Free vaccination in all villages.

9.  Benefit to 200 persons through eye camps and health camps.

10.  Under the awareness campaign, meetings, seminars and plays were held on issues like family welfare, population control, drug de-addiction, AIDS and Enviorment.

11. Social forestry was promoted in 20 villages.

12. In the self-employment / employment sector, women and other unemployed youth were encouraged to take up export-oriented textile production.


Future Outlook: –

The scope of Reca’s activities is wide. We will succeed in our objectives only with the convergence of their participation in the programmes tailored to the needs of the rural masses. We are confident that with the support of our partners and other well-wishers, we will be able to provide basic amenities to the needy sections of the society so that economic progress and a better life can be achieved through a sustainable process based on human values. In this direction, it is necessary to develop the “Textile Production Centre” sponsored by RECA, in which 75 youth are currently engaged in training / production programme, into a full-fledged production unit so that more and more youth get employment. It would be appropriate to give export oriented character to this unit.

This requires equipment, machinery and staff. Streamlining the market system which includes local and international market is very essential, such export oriented units will be managed by the beneficiaries. RECA will bear its “over-head” expenses by providing primary and administrative support in this direction by charging nominal service charges.
In addition, there is a need for a multi-purpose training-cum-production centre in every development block to maximise employment opportunities by adopting a variety of production activities.
Similarly, in other sectors, such as education, health, rural sanitation, social forestry, alternative energy, etc., long-term related departments are being sent so that RECA can become a partner in realizing the golden dream of the 21st century by being fully dedicated to nation building. Let’s move forward together.