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For many Indian people, especially those living in villages or towns with low levels of economic development, earning a living can be a real challenge. Although India has many money-earning opportunities such as agriculture, handicrafts, trading and services, many people face difficulties in meeting their basic needs.

One of the main reasons for the difficulty in earning money is the lack of qualifications and education. Many people, especially those living in rural areas, lack access to education and training, making them less competitive in the labor market. Moreover, even if they have the skills, finding a job can be difficult due to intense competition and a lack of jobs.

Another reason for difficulty in earning money is low wages. Many people work in low-paying jobs, such as agriculture or manual labor, which prevent them from providing a decent standard of living for their families. Poverty often becomes the reason for the inability to access decent education, healthcare and other basic services.

Another problem is the lack of financial capital for the business. Many people dream of owning their own business, but do not have sufficient funds to start it. Banks are not always willing to provide loans to small and medium-sized businesses, especially in rural areas, which makes it difficult for people to realize their entrepreneurial ideas.

In general, earning a livelihood for Indian people can be difficult and even limited to the struggle for survival. Necessary steps to improve the situation may include investing in education, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, and creating additional earning opportunities, especially for residents of rural areas. Only in this way can we help people get out of circular poverty and give them the opportunity to live with dignity.